슈렉의 악보 공장 (Shrek's tab. score factory)

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garymh68@gmail.com으로 구매하실 곡 제목을 적어 보내주시면

즉시 이메일로 PDF 파일을 보내드립니다.

악보는 지속적으로 추가됩니다.^^


If you want to purchase the score, you need to pay the price via paypal.

Go to paypal.me/garymh for payment, and then send me a email(garymh68@gmail.com) with the name of the song.

As soon as I check the email, I'll send you the score files via email.

The scores will be added constantly.

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Serial no.제목(Title)원곡(Original)편곡자(Arranger)파일형식(File type)가격(Price)
101Game of Thrones main theme
Youtube link
Ramin DjawadiPiotr SzumlasPDF, solo 3.00 USD
Youtube link
Rod StewartShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
Youtube link
Barbra Streisand, A Star Is Born OSTShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
Youtube link
Randy SparksShrekPDF, solo (download)Free
105Bungeoppang with my mom
Youtube link
"Vincenzo" OSTShrekPDF, duo3.00 USD
Youtube link
F. TarregaF. TarregaPDF, solo (download)Free
107The Way You Look Tonight
Youtube link
Jerome Kern, Dorothy FieldsShrekPDF, chord score (download)Free
108The Way We Were
Youtube link
Barbra StreisandShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
109오직 주만이 (God alone)
Youtube link
이유정ShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
110대항해시대 OST 중 "지중해"
Youtube link
Taku IwasakiShrekPDF, duo 3.00 USD
111너 예수께 조용히 나가
Youtube link
HymnShrekPDF, solo (download)Free
112주가 일하시네 (God works)
Youtube link
이혁진ShrekPDF, solo (download)Free
113이와 같은 때엔 (In moments like these)
Youtube link
David GrahamShrekPDF, solo (download)Free
114오르막 길
Youtube link
윤종신 작곡, 정인 노래ShrekPDF, chord score (download)Free
115두 사람
Youtube link
윤영준 작곡, 성시경 노래ShrekPDF, tab (download)Free
116Uncharted Waters Online - Marseille theme
Youtube link
Taku IwasakiShrekPDF, duo, tab5.00 USD
117M.Giuliani - 12 studies, op.48, no.1
Youtube link
Mauro GiulianiShrekPDF (download)Free
118Uncharted Waters Online - Venezia theme
Youtube link
Kanno YokoShrekPDF, duo, tab)5.00 USD
119사랑 그렇게 보내네
Youtube link
조영화 작곡, 이문세 노래ShrekPDF, solo (download)Free
120I dreamed a dream
Youtube link
from Les Miserables ostShrekPDF, solo5.00 USD


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The scores will be added constantly !