슈렉의 악보 공장 (Shrek's tab. score factory)

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유료 악보는 해당 가격을 페이팔로 지불하신 후

garymh68@gmail.com으로 구매하실 곡 제목을 적어 보내주시면

즉시 이메일로 PDF 파일을 보내드립니다.


If you want to purchase the score, you need to pay the price via paypal.

Go to paypal.me/garymh for payment, and then send me a email(garymh68@gmail.com) with the name of the song.

As soon as I check the email, I'll send you the score files via email.

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Serial no.제목(Title)원곡(Original)편곡자(Arranger)파일형식(File type)가격(Price)
Rumble link
EaglesShrekPDF, (download), soloFree
002Long Long Time
Rumble link
Linda RonstadtShrekPDF (download), soloFree
003There Is None Like You
Rumble link
Lenny LeBlancShrekPDF (download), soloFree
004선한 능력으로 (Von Guten Mächten)
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Siegfried FietzShrekPDF (download), soloFree
005내 주는 강한 성이요
Rumble link
HymnShrekPDF (download), soloFree
006내 주를 가까이
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HymnShrekPDF (download), soloFree
007Hotel California (1980 live)
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EaglesShrekPDF, full backing + solo10.00 USD
008그 이름 (The name)
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최덕신ShrekPDF (download), soloFree
009The Sound of Music
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Hammerstein & RodgersTommy Emmanuel / ShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
010And I Love You So
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Perry ComoShrekPDF (download), solofree
011FeelingsAlbert MorrisUnknownPDF (download), soloFree
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Chet Atkins이정선 / ShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
013(The Man with the) Green Thumb
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Tommy EmmanuelTommy EmmanuelPDF (download), soloFree
014Walkin' My Baby Back Homefrom OSTJohn Knowles / ShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
015그 맑고 환한 밤 중에
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HymnShrekPDF (download), soloFree
016난 아직 모르잖아요
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이영훈, 이문세ShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
017은혜 아니면
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이민경ShrekPDF (download), soloFree
018내 영혼의 그윽히 깊은 데서
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HymnShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
019누군가 널 위해 기도하네
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Lanny WolfeShrekPDF, solo3.00 USD
020나의 피아노
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이병우ShrekPDF, solo5.00 USD


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The scores will be added constantly !